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My future job

I’m studying geography in the Universidad de Chile, so in my future I think that I’m going to work in something related to this. I can’t imagine what kind of job I’m going to have, I think that I’m going to apply for the first job that I’m going to see, earn some money to go to live alone, and then decide if I’m going to continue working in that or if I’m going to seek another job. As a geographer you need to do outdoor work, and that’s something amazing, because i don’t like much the indoor works, obviously part of the job is indoor, but also you have to be on the field. I would love to travel and go to a plenty of new places, one of my dreams is go to work outside the country, and work as a geographer in a place like Japan, because the social distribution it’s a bit different with the south American cities, or Spain, just because I like to live there for a time.
I don’t want a very high salary, or at least I don’t expect it, I only want the necessary to live well and don’t be worried about the money. I would like to work with the humanistic and urbanistic sides of geography, in my future work I want to see, seek and try to break, those invisible walls that are hide in the cities.
Resultado de imagen para desigualdad en la ciudad


  1. I think that work as a geographer is a very interesting job

  2. I like your idea of what you wanna do with your life, I think that you can do it jj

  3. I really like how you expect your future. I hope you succeed!

  4. Work and live in another country could be really cool, hope you can accomplish your goals

  5. Japan sounds awesome! I hope you can get there someday

  6. Sounds great, lots of luck in everything.

  7. "I want to see, seek and try to break, those invisible walls that are hide in the cities." that its very interesting

  8. I think that living in another country could be really benefit to your career


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